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“Successful people have a strong sense of their own selfworth, and that sense of self-esteem is the foundation on which they reach out and move forward.” ~ Harvey Gantt

Harvey Gantt was born in Charleston, SC in 1943 and has been described by his peers as a Trailblazer. He is a well-respected Architect, Politician, Philanthropist and Community Leader. He first gained national attention during the 1960’s when he became the first African-American to be admitted to Clemson University. He went on to graduate with honors with a bachelor’s degree in architecture and holds a master’s degree in urban planning from MIT. In 1983, he was elected as the first African-American mayor of the City of Charlotte. Today, Gantt manages Gantt Huberman Associates, an architecture, urban planning, and interior design firm based in Charlotte, NC. In 2009, the City of Charlotte opened it’s doors to the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts and Culture. The Center celebrates contributions made by Africans and African-Americans in art, music, dance, theatre, film and community outreach.

Harvey B. Gnatt Center for African-American Arts and Culture


Harvey Gantt is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the National, Organization of Minority Architects. In 1987, the American Institute of Architects paid due recognition to Gantt by making him a Fellow in the Institute. He serves on the North Carolina Board of Architecture and the AIA National Minority Services Committee. He’s been a member of accreditation committees at Howard University and Southern University School of Architecture and lecturered at several colleges and universities nationwide, including Hampton, Yale, Cornell, UNC-Chapel Hill, Michigan, MIT, Mississippi State, Tuskegee, A&T, Tennessee, and Virginia Tech. Havey Gantt has distinguished himself as a designer of structures and a builder of communities. In 2006, Gantt Huberman Associates was awarded “North Carolina Firm of The Year” by the  North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

Gantt Huberman Associates Projects

Imaginon, Children's Museum in Charlotte


Aycock Auditorium Renovation - Photo courtesy of Tom Kessler

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